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Everything You Need To Know About Mary Kay Skin Care

When it comes to skin care, people can be extremely conscious due to societal pressure. They spend hundreds of dollars on beauty and makeup products that are beneficial for a short period of time, but in the long run, these products damage the skin and only end up making life miserable. This is usually the case with cheaper skin care products, but top brands are generally expensive which is why many people prefer the inexpensive option.

However, there are multiple brands nowadays that are working proficiently towards healthy skin care. The most popular ones include Mary Kay, L’Oreal, Avon, Neutrogena, and Olay. In this article, we will review Mary Kay’s best skin care products and analyze some of their bestsellers.

How did Mary Kay Start?

mary kay ash company

The company Mary Kay was started by Mary Kay Ash who left her sales executive job in 1963 and went on to pursue her dream career of owning a cosmetic company. With her savings of just $5,000 and the support of a few good friends, Mary Kay began.

Mary Kay Ash believed in women’s empowerment, providing amazing opportunities to young women who shared a similar interest of joining the beauty business. A few decades later, the company expanded to more than 40 countries and is now currently ranked as the number one cosmetic company in the United States.

Mary Kay Skin Care Products

mary kay products

Mary Kay originally started with just five products, and now the company’s portfolio consists of hundreds of products under different categories including skin care, makeup, body care, and fragrance, as well as a men’s section.

Mary Kay’s skin care products are highly popular among regular customers as well as famous movie stars. The best-selling skin products include the Mary Kay Time-Wise collection, Mary Kay Acne-Prone System, Mary Kay Botanical Effects collection, and their men’s collection. Let’s take a look at some of these products in detail.

Mary Kay TimeWise Miracle Set 3D

Mary Kay TimeWise Miracle Set 3D

Mary Kay TimeWise Miracle Set 3D is an all-in-one solution that is designed specifically to fix premature signs of aging and enhance your overall beauty. It is a new product that takes on a three-dimensional approach to beautify your skin by protecting it against free radicals, preventing premature skin aging, and uplifting the skin’s health to make it appear younger.

The company claims that their scientists have spent years researching and conducting tests to find out the cause of premature aging. Based on these studies, an innovative solution has been developed that ensures maximum results when it comes to skin care.

Mary Kay TimeWise Miracle Set 3D consists of the following four products.

[amazon link=”B00TJMH3TG” title=”​TimeWise Cleanser​” /]

[amazon box=”B00TJMH3TG”]

  • ​[amazon link=”B00TJMH3TG” title=”Rejuvenation” /] is your skin’s right. It deserves to look younger like it has been given a new life. The way to do that is to use exfoliators.An exfoliator removes dead skin cells that otherwise accumulate on the surface of your skin, causing your skin to look dark and dull. The good thing with exfoliators is that they help with more than one problem. The TimeWise® Age Minimize 3D works best to remove impurities from your skin, leaving it absolutely flawless and exfoliated.
  • Price: [amazon link=”B00TJMH3TG” title=”$​19.50″ /]

[amazon link=”B003Y4SY3O” title=”​TimeWise Day Cream​” /]

[amazon box=”B003Y4SY3O”]

  • ​Moisturizers are applied to provide the nutrients necessary for healthy, glowing skin. Just like we hydrate our body from the inside by drinking water, we also need to apply moisturizers that free the skin from dryness.The [amazon link=”B003Y4SY3O” title=”​TimeWise Age Minimize Day Cream” /] does a phenomenal job in neutralizing free radicals while providing the skin with enough moisture that lasts for more than 12 hours. Moreover, the Age Minimize 3D Day Cream also helps protect against UVA and UVB rays.
  • Price: [amazon link=”B003Y4SY3O” title=”​$23.00″ /]

[amazon link=”B07956N81P” title=”​TimeWise Night Cream​” /]

[amazon box=”B07956N81P”]

  • ​Mary Kay has two types of moisturizers, and both are necessary for your [amazon link=”B07956N81P” title=”​daily beauty routine” /].
  • Price: [amazon link=”B07956N81P” title=”​$24.99​” /]

[amazon link=”B00MG4RHMM” title=”​TimeWise Eye Cream” /]

[amazon box=”B00MG4RHMM”]

  • Besides taking care of the face, it is also important to focus on the skin surrounding the eyes. The [amazon link=”B00MG4RHMM” title=”TimeWise Eye Cream” /] revitalizes the skin around your eyes, reducing the appearance of eye bags, dark circles, and puffiness.
  • Price: [amazon link=”B00MG4RHMM” title=”​$28.95″ /]

What is so Special About Mary Kay TimeWise Miracle Set 3D?

timewise miracle set 3d

The Mary Kay TimeWise Miracle Set was perfected after years of research by the company’s scientists and experts. It uses a new patent-pending Age Minimize 3D Complex, which provides your skin with all the necessary nutrients and anti-oxidants to keep it younger.

Moreover, the company claims that unlike other products, the TimeWise Miracle Set 3D promises effective results in just four weeks of use.

The Ingredients Used in Mary Kay Skin Care Products

Mary Kay puts extreme care in selecting the best ingredients for their products that are safe for your skin. All the products in the TimeWise Age Miracle Set 3D consist of the Age Minimize 3D Complex that has three core ingredients for younger looking skin.

Age-Defying Peptide

This is a form of protein that Mary Kay uses in their skin care products. Their peptide is made up of four amino acids that join together to promote younger-looking skin while increasing the elastic property of the skin as it ages.

Vitamin B3

This vitamin is widely known to have almost-magical properties. When applied to the skin, it gives a brightening and glowing effect necessary to make you stand out.

The TimeWise products have Vitamin B3 in a water-soluble solution mixed with niacin to fight uneven skin tone. This vitamin works as a double agent, flushing the skin with antioxidants to promote overall healthy skin.

Encapsulated Resveratrol

This compound fights signs of aging most effectively by restricting the spread of impurities on your skin. To counteract the effects of bacteria and other harmful entities on your skin, the compound spreads effective and protective antioxidants that form a shield on the top layer of your skin, allowing nothing harmful to pass through.

As a result of lesser impurities on your skin, the natural glow of your face returns, and prominent wrinkles like crow’s feet are stopped from forming. Mary Kay extracts this compound from the Japanese knotweed.

How to Apply Mary Kay’s Skin Care Products

Mary Kay products are easy to use and healthy for your skin, hence you are advised to apply them twice a day for best results. Set a routine for taking care of yourself every morning after waking up and every night before going to sleep, and follow these steps to see the best results with Mary Kay skin care products:

  • 1
    ​It is necessary to wash your face with lukewarm water when you start, as this opens up your pores and allows the Mary Kay TimeWise Cleanser to reach into the depths of the skin and ward out impurities.
  • 2
    ​Once you are done applying the cleanser, wash thoroughly and pat dry with a clean towel. Avoid using a shared towel as it can promote germs that can result in breakouts.
  • 3
    ​After cleansing the face, apply Mary Kay’s TimeWise Replenishing Serum for a revitalizing feel.
  • 4
    ​At the end, apply the TimeWise Moisturizing Day Cream with SPF 30 to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays.
  • 5
    ​Repeat again at night. Just replace the day cream with the revitalizing night cream.

​Side Effects of Mary Kay Skin Care Products

The problem with skin care products is that they are unnatural. Every unnatural thing has side effects, and Mary Kay skin care products are no exception. However, this is the modern age where every product goes through intense scrutiny before making it to your market’s shelves.

The Mary Kay Moisture Renewing Gel mask, for example, feels fresh and cool at the start but you will feel a slight tingling in your skin. At times it feels like your skin is burning up, but that is natural. It happens with the most of us. Our skin is not used to foreign chemicals, and it can take some time before our skin feels comfortable with the products you’re using. Due to this, some of you might experience breakouts or a burning sensation even after you have washed the product off your face.

Other common side effects include skin allergies or eye infections. It is necessary for you to be wary of the chemicals consisting a particular product. If you are allergic to a certain chemical, you won’t find out until you go through a bad experience. But after that, you need to prepare for the future by searching for products that don’t have harmful chemicals. There are a few chemicals you should especially look out for:

  • ​Parabens
  • ​Sulfates
  • ​Phthalates
  • Caret Right
  • Caret Right
  • Caret Right
    ​Propylene Glycol
  • Caret Right
    ​Butylene Glycol

Mary Kay takes special care not to include such harmful chemicals, but some skin care manufacturers can be negligent and that could cost you your skin.

Pros and Cons of the Mary Kay Brand

Just like with everything else, Mary Kay skin care products also have their merits and demerits. We shall go through them here.


  • ​Mary Kay products make your skin healthy
  • ​You will look young and attractive
  • ​Wrinkles and other aging signs won’t appear until later
  • ​Your skin will always be fresh and hydrated
  • ​Skincare products brighten and revitalize your skin with special ingredients
  • ​Skincare products are now more affordable than ever before


  • ​Side effects are always possible
  • ​Some top brands charge exorbitant prices
  • ​You might become dependent on such products for life

​How Mary Kay Skin Care Matches Up to the Competition

Mary Kay is renowned worldwide, but it is not the biggest or the most famous skin care brand in the world. There are others that are better or worse. However, in the end, it all boils down to your preferences. Some people are so loyal to a company that they overlook any shortcomings of their favorite brand.

Mary Kay, however, takes extra care as it started off as an empowering brand that took care of women and prioritized all their needs.

Avon, on the other hand, is one of the top skincare brands in the world. It has its outreach in more than 40 countries and it’s a billion-dollar enterprise. This goes to show how many people love and trust the brand with their skin. It also shows that Avon works for the welfare of the people by conducting extensive research and creating safe and healthy products for your skin.

Their huge budget also allows them to manufacture a wide range of products that fit all skin types, whether they be normal, dry, oily, or combination. Mary Kay is a much smaller business by these standards.

Brands like Olay or Peter Thomas Roth also give tough competition to Mary Kay skincare products, but since all of them are businesses of the modern world, none of them will be too reckless to put your skin at risk.

All of these competitor brands are worth trying, but Mary Kay might have the upper hand because it actually cares for women and their values along with their skin. Most importantly Mary Kay products are easy on the pocket.

Mary Kay is Healthy by Today’s Standards

Taking care of your skin is a vital practice in today’s world. It’s true that in the olden days, people used herbs and tree barks among other things to heal their skin and promote overall skincare, but the world of today has changed in the sense that not many people still know those ancient remedies. Those of you who are still aware of them know that the process of readying a remedy takes considerable time.

With healthy ingredients, no wonder Mary Kay skin care products have seen popularity in recent years. They are simple to use, and you need no preparation. Just open, apply, and enjoy wonderful and glowing skin.

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